The Second Annual GameCola HoHoHoliday LIVEcast Extravaganza on YouTube

John McClane fights a guy in his underwear, Santa shreds guitar, and Duke Nukem gets killed by a snowman. Must be the HoHoHoliday LIVEcast!

With content involving Tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Holiday LIVEcast 2 BannerIf doing something two years in a row makes it an annual tradition, then GameCola’s second annual HoHoHoliday LIVEcast Extravaganza has arrived on YouTube! As with anything I report on, it’s been there for a while already. Alex Jedraszczak, Anna Bryniarski, Diana Gray, Joseph Martin, and Matt Jonas spend nearly five continuous hours talking about (possibly) holiday-related videogames as Matt plays them, interacting with an invisible chatroom, and digressing into silliness like it’s their job (which it is). Have a look-see!

If you’re familiar with our first HoHoHoliday LIVEcast, you might recognize a couple of the games that we sampled (I say “we” like I was present for more than a few minutes in the chat):

  • Hyper Princess Pitch (PC)
  • Mega Man Christmas Carol (PC)
  • Santa Rockstar (PC)
  • Star Runner (PC)
  • Dynamite Deka (PS2)
  • James Pond 2: Codename Robocod (SG)
  • Duke Nukem: Nuclear Winter (PC)
  • Waterworld (VB)
  • The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause (GBA)
  • Ice Nine (GBA)
  • Sonic Advance (GBA)
  • SBK: Snowboard Kids (DS)
  • Slender (PC)
  • Nintendo Nightmare (PC)

Due to choppy video in a few places, a span of choppy audio for one game, and moments here and there where the hosts ran out of things to say silence has been strategically inserted, this is the kind of video that’s ideal to watch while you’re washing the carpet, folding dishes, vacuuming your laundry, and other household chores. Watch it in parts, skip around, or be the diehard fan we know you are and power through the whole thing in one sitting. Join us next time we do a LIVEcast, and maybe you will win some of these fabulous prizes we mention! Failing that, you’ll be immortalized when we read off your name from the chat window.

4 votes, average: 8.25 out of 104 votes, average: 8.25 out of 104 votes, average: 8.25 out of 104 votes, average: 8.25 out of 104 votes, average: 8.25 out of 104 votes, average: 8.25 out of 104 votes, average: 8.25 out of 104 votes, average: 8.25 out of 104 votes, average: 8.25 out of 104 votes, average: 8.25 out of 10 (You need to be a registered member to rate this post.)

About the Contributor

Since 2009

Nathaniel Hoover is almost certainly GameCola's most verbose staff member, and arguably the most eclectic. As administrator of the GameCola YouTube channel (GCDotNet), occasional contributor to every article category on the site, and staff editor, you're pretty much stuck with him wherever you go. Sorry.

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