This just in to the GameCola News Desk—you know that one awesome Kinect game you liked? No, not the one with the demon baseball player; no, not the one with all the puppets. Not that motion-controlled triple-x game you’ve been dreaming and wishing and hoping for, either. I’m talking about Haunt!
You know…Haunt! The one in which you explore a spooooktacular haunted mansion, and are guided around by the disembodied voice of Double Fine Production’s Tim Schafer. You can download it for free through the “Kinect Central” app on the 360’s dashboard, now through July 2. Trust us—this is one Kinect game that won’t make you go “boo.” You’ll have a really ghoul time with it. You’ll be goblin it right up! You’ll–
OK, I’ll stop.
Of note, this only works if you have your Kinect plugged in. You will not be offered the deal if it is not plugged in or, as in my case, if you would rather drown in a sea of Virtual Boys than buy one.
is free DLC for The Gunstringer, and you’re telling me you don’t want a Kinect?!
yes I was very impressed with this game It was a lot of fun. And it actually kinda freaked me out to see my picture on the mantle