Stride and Prejudice Available on iOS

Pride and Prejudice has been adapted into an endless runner game.

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New to the Apple Store is a game called Stride and Prejudice, an endless runner game in which your character runs across all of the text contained in the book Pride and Prejudice. The game controls are simple: the text auto-scrolls, and you must tap the screen at the end of a line in order to continue reading.

This game is currently being hailed as the second-best release this year related to Pride and Prejudice. The best P&P release this year, of course, was the masterful fanfiction Pride and Prejudice and Ponies, a rewrite of the original book in which all the characters are replaced with My Little Pony characters, the way Jane Austen originally intended.

Fancypants and Rarity Kiss

 The fanfiction, which clocks in at a little over 40,000 words, was made in celebration of the 200th anniversary of the original novel. It contains occasional illustrations, just like the original novel, but there is a text-only edition for those who prefer to avoid pictures due to slow Internet connections.

“Writing in an older English style wasn’t easy, but I feel like the story does justice to the original novel,” said the author, “unlike all the modern movie adaptations, which basically condense the final half of the book into fifteen minutes. I mean, hello! Mr. Darcy’s proposal to Elizabeth comes in the middle of Volume 2, not at the end of Volume 3! Maybe they’d have better luck if they tried releasing the three-volume book as a movie trilogy.”

“Oh, wait, you want me to talk about the game? It’s okay, I guess. I was hoping there would be more ponies in it.”

Stride and Prejudice is available for 99 cents in the app store.

Stride and Prejudice Game Icon

On a related note, GameCola’s “Fabricated News” staff has heard rumors that Peter Jackson is interested in directing a Pride and Prejudice movie trilogy. After voicing worries that three movies would be too short for one book, Jackson announced plans to expand it into an epic, nine-movie trilogy of trilogies, along the lines of Star Wars. The final version will be 20 hours long, not including bonus material.

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About the Contributor

From 2007 to 2016

Michael Gray is a staff writer for GameCola, who focuses on adventure games, videos and writing videogame walkthroughs.

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