On the last podcast, we talked about all the holidays that happen in April—April Fools’ Day, Easter, Anna’s birthday, GameCola’s birthday…but, we forgot one!
That’s right: Today is Jeddy’s GameCola Takeoversary! April 22nd, 2015, marks the second anniversary of Jeddy’s hostile takeover of GameCola HQ. We all know the traditional Christmas song telling of Paul’s exile to Rome, and how could any of us forget the explosions and the screaming. 11 podcasts, 61 articles, and 364 daily Facebook discussion topics later, I’m still here!
Wait, come back! Are you sure you didn’t stop by to hear me talk about how great I am and all the things I’ve done this year? Fine, I guess I can talk about GameCola’s birthday…
Today marks our 13th birthday! As we enter into our teenage years, we intend to make the site darker and edgier. Luckily for us, our color scheme is already black and purple, so we won’t need to change the layout too much. We’ll be saying more naughty words that our mom wouldn’t want to hear us saying, we’re going to start posting on DeadJournal, and we’re trying to decide on a name for our DeviantArt account. We’re currently thinking “XxG4m3C0l4xX”, but we’re open to suggestions. Maybe it needs more Xs…
In other news for this year, we’ve added quite a number of new staff members, some of whom are so new that they haven’t had a chance to post anything yet! Keep an eye out for content from these folks (and the rest of the staff!), as 2015 is building up to be a big year for the ol’ ‘Cola. And, if you have anything you’d like to see on the site in the next year, let us know in the comments!
Happy GameColaversary! I started my main involvement with the site AFTER this had already happened, pretty sure.
I was vaguely aware of it for years beforehand, though.
Happy 13 GameCola! I have been keeping up with you guys since you were still sending out monthly newsletters and love the podcast too. Lately I started watching Gray’s FFVI youtube playthrough and it inspired me to pick up where I left off and I am now playing along him. Keep the content coming!
Am I still evicted from my office?
Jeddy, is that the office where we’re stashing the huge wads of cash from Google Ads, or am I thinking of Paul’s old office?
*takes notes for future infiltration*
Wait, do you want me to up my cuss count? Because I’ll do it. Gotta stay edgy, right?