[NSFW] Disturbingly Themed Game has Disturbingly Long Name

Maybe we're just running low on unique names (and game concepts) at this point.

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This just came across my GameCola staff desk. What is probably the longest game title in history at 65 words, this game is certainly interesting. The full translated title name is Summertime High School: A Young Man’s Notes—How a New Exchange Student Like Myself Ran Into His Childhood Friend On The School Tour, Then For Some Reason Became Super-Popular With The Girls For His Daily Scoops On The School Photography Club Even Though He Only Takes Panty Shots, And What He Thinks As He Goes On Dates During His Summer Of Island School Life.


Wow, what a mouthful. But what is the game about, you ask? Well, it seems that it…umm, well. Hmm. I definitely don’t recommend finding out. But then, this would be a pitiful news report without the full story. Apparently, this game is basically Pokémon Snap, but instead of taking pictures of Pokémon you erm…take pictures…up girls skirts. Oh boy, yeah…this is actually a game. Well, it comes from a land known in popular culture for its strange sexual delights, and will be exclusive to Japanese gamers on the PS4. While I haven’t played this and never will…I strongly encourage you to skip this title. Maybe this title is better than dating a pigeon though.

[Editor’s Note: This is not a “Fabricated News” article. This is a completely real game. You can check out the official trailer below, and skip to 4:58 to see the protagonist laying on the street to take pictures of panties, followed by escaping police on his bicycle. (Also, if you can imagine, this is the NSFW part of the article.)]

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About the Contributor

From 2006 to 2017

Mark Freedman is a hard hitting reporter on just what the crap is going on in the world of video games.He also writes reviews and manages the staff Q&A column. Occasionally, he has been known to take a shower. zzzz


  1. You know what? It might be an invasive, disgusting thing to do in real life, but so is everything that happens in GTA. It Excessively Long Title caters to a pretty specific audience. It’s a safe outlet for total perverts, and an otherwise normal experience of being human. I’ll recommend it to any high schooler too focused on their education, or just too timid, to get to know a real girl.
    I don’t know if I’d go so far to say it’s better than a regular dating sim though. Maybe start with Akiba’s Trip. At least the girls seem sorta like real people and not another Moe trip.

  2. I do remember reading an article over on kotaku about how this game might not get a USA port because of what players could do. Ryan makes some very valid points in his comment though. Face it, any game can be seen as an outlet for perverts with the use of DLC, mods, and other stuff to that extent. As the article said, this game is like “Garry’s Mod with an anime art style”. Personally, I’m hoping that this game gets a US port. If this game isn’t allowed in the USA, then perhaps Hatred should be taken down again, as well as GTA 5 and Akiba’s Trip.

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