Hacks’n’Slash #12: The Subspace Emissary’s Worlds Conquest – Chpt. 1

We tackle Chapter 1 of the LONGEST FANFICTION EVER.

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Art and Image Compilation by Joseph Martin

On this month’s edition of “Hacks’n’Slash”, the GameCola crew takes a look at one of the LONGEST FANFICTIONS IN EXISTENCE. Clocking in at over 4 million words, The Subspace Emissary’s Worlds Conquest is a landmark piece of Internet writing that should be experienced by all. Join Joseph Martin, Anna Bryniarski, Shannon Hoover, and James Pelster as they manage to complete just the first chapter of this Super Smash Bros. Brawl-themed behemoth!

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Special thanks to Diana Gray for editing this podcast. If you’d like to hear more, let us know in the comments and consider subscribing to us on iTunes to hear more GameCola podcast fare! Have a suggestion? Send an email to podcast[at]gamecola[dot]net!

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About the Contributor

Since 2013

Joseph Martin is the Podcast Commander of the monthly GameCola Podcast, and appears in many of the other podcasts of the site. He's also known to write a review or two, or news pieces about the latest Mega Man knock-off.


  1. This is definitely my favorite podcast I’ve been in to date. Does anyone else (staff members and listeners alike) have a favorite moment from this podcast? There’s a ton of memorable moments, but oddly enough I think my favorite might be at 17:31, where I just get completely thrown off by the author putting “foot” after a feet-AND-inches height measurement. I don’t know why, but something about me reading that sentence, then actually processing it and going, “wait…”, cracks me up.

  2. “…the two gloves were pretty much alive and kicking…”


    Anyways, this was a great episode. I haven’t laughed this hard in awhile. It would be cool to see a return to this sometime, especially since its table of contents is so… varied. (It goes into multiple non-Smash worlds for whatever reason.) Hearing that HnS is monthly now is also great! Definitely looking forward to the next one. 🙂

  3. Anna’s R.O.B. voice was my absolute favourite!

    I’m sad the first words of all my dialogue got cut off, but this was still a fun recording. 🙂

    1. I didn’t want to force you to rerecord every single line, and the gist of your lines was mostly there. Ironically, in all the stuff where you guys are just talking, you were fine. Sigh.

      1. I guess it’s kind of a good thing I forgot to send you my recording Diana, because although my voice sounded fine, everyone else’s sounded really tinny and robotic for some reason 🙁

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