• Rez HD (X360-XBLA)

    As the son of a Marvel Comics superfan, I have a father who keeps a million-bajillon Marvel Classics under his bed. One of my favorite series from Marvel, The Sensational...

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    Customers Suck

    ...lot of anime right here! Moi: Wha…? Her: Whatever you say, lady! You’re not getting any of my business! Moi: …? At that point, I watched her throw her nose...

  • Dragon Warrior (NES)

    An event nearly two decades past. A fateful encounter that would forever change a young man’s destiny. A videogame that changed the very state of the videogame business. A pretentious...

  • Versus Mode: Used Game Sales, DLC, Random Capitalization, and More

    ...his business. I don’t think it was anything he should be proud to admit in his candidacy unless he was going for the average videogame player as his voting market....

  • Chains (PC)

    ...game in this business. Luckily, unlike everyone else, these guys have a chance to go back and fix it, and I really, in my semi-professional opinion, suggest they take it....

  • The Gates of Life: Episode 64 – Stop, in the Name of the Law!

    ...mountain.” Fuzz McCoppo: Arrest? Goodness boy, who said anything about an arrest? I’m here to make sure you don’t get yourselves killed! Fuzz McCoppo: Just what business do you have...

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    Avenue Flo (Mac)

    ...layers of altruism, here is someone with some serious business savvy, who knows more than a little about the art of wheeling and dealing. “Of course, I’d be happy to...

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    Captain Eric’s Cheat Codes for Life

    ...Over-Achiever Eric: Well Over-Achiever, it seems there is little hope for you. You seem to be in the business of labeling yourself and seeking out things you want based on...

  • [NSFW] Mega Man X (SNES)

    ...are looking at the business end of a turkey baster that was previously used in the federal “Prison Surrogate DNA” program. In fact, by reading this, you are now a...

  • GameStop to Become Obsolete

    ...of business two months from now.” When asked how people would buy Wii-Ware games, seeing as buying them requires purchasing the Wii Points cards that are only sold at retailers...