• Dear Readers: Absolutely Real Message Board Posts

    ...price and the seller was from New Jersey. This is what I received… http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b108/t8m4n/DSCN1280.jpg And just to point out the things that are wrong with it… http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b108/t8m4n/Box1.jpg This was what...

  • The Blackwell Legacy (PC)

    One of the biggest complaints we receive about GameCola is that it isn’t interactive enough. (This complaint usually comes after “the layout sucks,” “the writing isn’t very professional,” “nobody—not even...

  • Last Bronx (SAT)

    ...surprise. Instead of getting some basic movie or some text to tie up the story, you receive a short little anime based upon the character you used. Each one is...

  • Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem (GCN)

    ...some of the character models just look like they didn’t receive as much attention. The same is true of some parts of the environment in certain levels. The cutscenes interspersed...

  • [NSFW] Mid-Boss: Hardcore Gamers vs. “The Mainstream”

    ...to force a smile and say “Thank you, Gramma!” when they receive a copy of Fightbox for their birthday. Make them buy Ratchet and Clank 3 instead, the poor dears....

  • Carbonated News (December 2004)

    ...receive a sequel some time in the fiscal year of 2005, which apparently is not at all like the actual year of 2005, but rather runs from April 1, 2005...

  • Skitchin’ (SG)

    ...get another $1; for every second you are on a police car, you receive a $1; and for every skull you crack, you get $5! This money is used primarily...

  • [NSFW] GTA and Saint’s Row Compared

    ...was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only....

  • Microsoft Finally Shutting Down XBLIG

    ...developers will receive their final payments, whether they met the $150 threshold or not “Around” 2017, Sarah Connor and Kyle Reese will stop Skynet and prevent Judgement Day The XNA...

  • Gone Home (PC)

    ...and pick things up by clicking with your mouse. As you mess with items and notes, you receive audio narration from your sister in the form of her letters she...