• Preserving the Plastic: Personalized Collections

    ...bet for starters. For now, start small and see how you like it. Remember that it’s not just about having the best games — collecting is supposed to be an...

  • Arc the Lad (PS1)

    ...find now, so your best bet may be to look on eBay or some place similar for the Arc the Lad Collection, which contains Arc the Lad 1, 2, 3,...

  • You Learn Something New Every Play: Sports Games

    ...bet-on-one-hole event, which informed me of gambling. I am still playing it to this day. In my game, the prize money is up to $1,770,000. Take some time to reminisce...

  • Jeopardy! (NES)

    ...to be sharing), but I’d bet that it works wondrously with the NES Advantage. That manipulation of the controller to make the game three-player is rather novel, and I feel...

  • Philly Classic 5 Report

    ...Manci Games: I had actually subscribed to this a few months back (on the recommendation of Allec), and I bet I was one of few people at PC5 who already...

  • … of the Month: Logitech PS2 Netplay Controller

    ...buddy is talking to me! I’d better respond! *fumble* *type* ahh crap dropped my damned controller *shift* ah crap dropped my keyboard aaaaah DAMMIT PAUL STOP KILLING ME WHILE I’M...

  • Aladdin (GG)

    I’m really glad that this game isn’t just a straight port of the better-known Aladdin title for Super Nintendo. If it were, this review wouldn’t be happening—I’ve yet to be...

  • WWF In Your House (PS1)

    ...I say “better” in the sense that it’s better than Acclaim’s other sports entertainment titles—it, like pretty much anything else in this specific genre, doesn’t hold a candle to THQ’s...

  • Default Thumbnail

    Dear Readers: Disjointed Thoughts

    ...We could also use more people posting on the forums… And on the journals… STOP NOT DOING ANYTHING FOR GC YOU SLACKERS… I bet Mario could beat Sonic the Hedgehog...

  • Beauty & the Beast (IV)

    Rather than describe the story of this game myself, I think I’ll let the instruction booklet do that for me, for it seems to have a much better idea of...