• General Chaos (SG)

    ...Each mode except Boot Camp is just simple fighting. You control a group of five soldiers with different weapons, whom you direct where to go and when to shoot. The...

  • Dear Readers: Absolutely Real Message Board Posts

    ...like me a view of me has no bearing on how correct or incorrect my reasoning is. i am not 12 12 year olds would not explain their logic with...

  • Guilty Gear X2 (PS2)

    ...If you’ve been looking for a solid fighter lately, Guilty Gear X2 is the game for you. Otherwise, I’m not quite sure if GGX2 would be up your proverbial alley....

  • InuYasha: A Feudal Fairy Tale (PS1)

    ...not enjoy it as much. The reason I say you may not enjoy it as much is that it has a lot fewer moves than your typical fighter. There are...

  • Magi Nation (GBC)

    ...as if the whole game is a parody of other similar games, forgetting about a lot of the serious conversations that would take place in many other RPGs, and instead...

  • Skies of Arcadia: Legends (GCN)

    ...one of the six moons; the green, red, yellow, purple, blue, and silver. Every moon controls different magic powers that are basically elemental-based. Other than its interesting plot and basic...

  • Default Thumbnail

    Advice for the Sensitive Gamer #1

    Many other magazines, online or paper, boast advice columns like this one. However, what other magazines can promise a video-game-related-dilemma every single month? None, I tell you. Without further adieu,...

  • Versus Mode: Pokémon Red vs. Pokémon Ruby

    ...supposed “Pikablu”, and all the other fun crap. It also gets another vote because 151 is the perfect number for an amount of Pokémon. Not 251, and certainly not 351....

  • Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance (GCN)

    Mortal Kombat always has been, and always will be. Masked Ninja: GET OVER HERE!! Clueless Gamer: Me?? Masked Ninja: No, I’m talking to the OTHER guy with a spear impaled...

  • [NSFW] Red Faction (PS2)

    ...weapons is exceedingly anti-intuitive, and attempting to do so (whether intentionally or not) in the midst of a shoot-out is a recipe for dead rebel. Actual character movement is achieved...