• Dear Readers: Our New Logo!

    ...of pure joy. But one question remains, my faithful, loyal, and just Readers: Who gets the free t-shirt? Five people created this logo, and the Bank of GameCola can not...

  • The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (PC)

    ...happens, it usually freezes my game. Even better is the “random restart” I get sometimes when opening doors and such. But I forgive Oblivion for these things. Oblivion is like...

  • Dear Readers: Psychology

    ...quote, that “girls are better at videogames than guys.” This is the guy who said violent videogames definitely cause violent behaviors, so maybe he’s not the best of sources; but...

  • [NSFW] Mansion of Hidden Souls (SCD)

    ...opening of this game goes) Crudely-Animated Girl: “Look! A butterfly!” Crudely-Animated Girl’s Brother (aka me): “Wow! Look how it floats in the air!” CAG: “So care-free! Let’s follow it and...

  • 0wning the Competition: Things I’ve Been Coding for GameCola

    ...any of the things I’ve mentioned, please feel free to fire me off an email—kleacock@gamecola.net—I’m always upgrading things and contrary to popular belief, I’m not perfect, so things will break....

  • Great Moments in Gaming #11

    ...mind’s eye to fill in a huge amount of detail. You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door. Between the blazing...

  • The Vana’diel Diaries (July 2006)

    ...for a bit…maybe a better way to kill time than sitting around, but not much better. Finally I got an invite, but I had to play main healer – a...

  • Submissions (August 2006)

    ...for this indy promotion – Papa Shongo Versus Mode Consoles don’t have to last 2-4 years. Nintendo went from 1984-1991! PS2, Cube, XBOX all lasted longer than that. The only...

  • Mega Man 10 (Wii-WW)

    ...game! Projectiles that deflect your shots. Getting knocked down whenever the boss falls to the ground. Getting frozen in ice until you can mash buttons enough to break free. Having...