• testgame.exe: Making the Adventure

    ...figure out any other failsafe way of making sure the game always autosaved before all of the potential deaths. Contradiction between various things that Paul says regarding the number of...

  • [NSFW] Mega Man X (SNES)

    ...can blame this on a number of things (all of which are bloated to some degree), but mostly it was because there was just no way to improve on a...

  • Best- and Worst-Reviewed Games of 2008

    ...or two…. Even if you are the number one rape fan in the universe, there have to be better alternatives.” Trivia: Not only did this game receive the lowest score...

  • The Vana’diel Diaries (March 2007)

    ...can see why Blizzard’s money factory is number one. World of Warcraft is fantastic. It does a lot of things right that FF XI does wrong, and I’ve yet to...

  • Final Fantasy II (SNES)

    ...in execution, most problems of which are due to the era in which it was produced. There’s not a bad track in the game, with a fair number of songs...

  • Metroid II: Return of Samus (GB)

    ...so rightly deserved. With the soldiers back at home having little to do, we saw an increase in the number of children being born. Post-war America saw a vast expansion...

  • Burnout Paradise (PS3)

    ...highest number of cars crashed, will be mourned by every fan, but the scale of what remains softens the blow. To be honest, the only thing about the game that...

  • Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

    ...legacy once again. Super Mario Galaxy shares its premise with all the other 3D Mario games. In order to save the princess, you need to travel to a number of...

  • Donkey Kong Barrel Blast (Wii)

    ...plays host to a challenge mode, which consists of races with different objectives, like not finishing last, and breaking X number of barrels. It’s a pointless extra that’s only there...

  • Rayman (PS1)

    ...with five-to-six or so levels in each stage and any number of screens within those levels within those stages. The stages have themes like forest, surreal music, caverns, umm…stationary? and...