• testgame.exe: Making the Adventure

    ...during GameCola’s hibernation! Well, it has been a little idle. OK, a lot idle. But it’s not my fault. (I mean, yes, of course it’s my fault, but I choose...

  • [NSFW] Mega Man X (SNES)

    Note: Honest to God, if we told you why we’re posting both versions of the Mega Man X review by Meteo X, we’d be incarcerated on the spot and flaming...

  • Best- and Worst-Reviewed Games of 2008

    ...or two…. Even if you are the number one rape fan in the universe, there have to be better alternatives.” Trivia: Not only did this game receive the lowest score...

  • The Vana’diel Diaries (March 2007)

    ...Lost Soul. A warp back to Aht Urhgan Whitegate and I’ve got my Trump Gun! w00t! And the Trump Gun is hot shit. It does better damage than my +1...

  • Final Fantasy II (SNES)

    ...in execution, most problems of which are due to the era in which it was produced. There’s not a bad track in the game, with a fair number of songs...

  • Metroid II: Return of Samus (GB)

    ...it’s not quite as bad as oh, say, Fall of the Foot Clan. You can tell what’s going on most of the time, and since you can hardly ever understand...

  • Burnout Paradise (PS3)

    ...course and sent crashing into buildings, bridge supports, other cars, and even other drivers. What’s more, you’re rewarded for doing so. In what must be the AA’s worst nightmare, Burnout...

  • Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

    ...legacy once again. Super Mario Galaxy shares its premise with all the other 3D Mario games. In order to save the princess, you need to travel to a number of...

  • Donkey Kong Barrel Blast (Wii)

    ...you get to the top, they push you over and laugh at you while you topple head over foot, breaking your back and every other bone in your body. Meanwhile,...

  • Rayman (PS1)

    For years, thanks to an uneven and sporadic history, Rayman has held a steady position as one of videogaming’s most bizarre characters. It’s not much of an award; it’s like...