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    Dear Readers: Disjointed Thoughts

    ...in a fight… Paul Franzen Editor-in-Chief e-mail: pfranzen@gamecola.net P.S. Be sure to check out Julie Kozarsky’s brand new advice column, “Cheat Codes for Life”, which debuts this month. And while...

  • WWF In Your House (PS1)

    ...scary time. And yet, during this pro-wrestling depression, Acclaim saw fit to release one of the better pro-wrestling titles for the PSX/N64 generation of video games: WWF In Your House....

  • Aladdin (GG)

    I’m really glad that this game isn’t just a straight port of the better-known Aladdin title for Super Nintendo. If it were, this review wouldn’t be happening—I’ve yet to be...

  • … of the Month: Logitech PS2 Netplay Controller

    ...buddy is talking to me! I’d better respond! *fumble* *type* ahh crap dropped my damned controller *shift* ah crap dropped my keyboard aaaaah DAMMIT PAUL STOP KILLING ME WHILE I’M...

  • Philly Classic 5 Report

    ...a realistic-looking proton pack), and I knew that I’d have been totally owned in the competition. Speaking of competition, Philly Classic 5 had it’s fair share of gaming contests, including...

  • Jeopardy! (NES)

    ...Jeopardy! game from the ’90s and it featured a question about the TV show Opposite Sex. What, you’ve never heard of Opposite Sex? Exactly my point. [Editor’s note: That’s because...

  • Arc the Lad (PS1)

    ...people would consider “new” in videogames, it doesn’t make the game at all boring or tedious to play. In fact, since this game can be easily beaten in 10 hours...

  • Suspended Save State: The Monsters Found in My Forgotten Patch of Abaddon

    ...My box of usable Pokémon has three options…two of which are Egg (which by the look of that text box I can only assume is plural in the same way...