• What the Crap? Super Mario Bros.

    ...showdown with Bowser. Fire inside of water? What you say? In conclusion, this game rocks. It still rocks by today’s standards. You can get remakes in Super Mario All-Stars or...

  • Sid Meier’s Pirates! (MXB)

    ...than many of today’s gamers would prefer, though it does feature more action than that particular lawyer sim. You’re not poking through menus when you’re firing cannons and thrusting swords—you’re...

  • Low-Rent Adventures in Japan: Mister Donut

    ...How good? Well, it’s sure better than the airplane food on the way over, lemme tell ya! I mean that stuff is one notch above Styrofoam on the taste-o-meter, am...

  • Dear Readers: R.I.P., My NES

    ...fancier, soulless models of today. This is what GameCola’s all about, after all—making sure everyone remembers the older consoles can still be fun. Don’t let our past die of neglect....

  • Bonanza Bros. (SG)

    ...changing locations keep things different enough to make it fun and playable even by today’s standards. Once you’ve trodden the best path for each stage, there’s little left to do....

  • Forza Motorsport (MXB)

    ...on the market today, and it’s almost two years old! The kids can have their Need for Speed 17: Street-Racing Pedestrian Killers; I’ll take my Forza and settle it on...

  • Super Noah’s Ark 3D (SNES)

    ...food. And that’s the whole game. You wander through about twenty levels, shooting food at animals. By today’s standards, there isn’t much exciting about the original Wolfenstein 3D. There’s very...

  • Submissions (April 1, 2006)

    ...here. How could you rip on DSI for their remade arcade games? You whippersnappers today don’t know these classic games. DSI is just trying to bring some sanity to the...

  • Beavis and Butt-head (SG)

    ...on both versions seems similar, but the graphics turned out a little better on the Genesis. Even by today’s standards, this is a difficult game. Thankfully, it’s a two player...

  • Captain Eric’s Super Thumb Feature Presentation

    ...enough the developers went on to make more after it. The games that came after were MUCH MUCH MUCH…MUCH better; I mean REALLY REALLY better. Because this game is just...