• Philly Classic 5 Report

    ...artwork? Visit Aimee Dingman’s site at http://www.podkaynestudios.com/. Saving the best for last, Philly Classic 5 also featured a vast number of old arcade units, all set to free play, for...

  • Skitchin’ (SG)

    ...in the sport of Skitchin’, and work your way to number one by racing on major highways in 12 major North American cities. I love racing in this game a...

  • [NSFW] Mega Man X7 (PS2)

    ...try; there is a lot to get you to come back again. Each stage has a number of hostages for you to rescue in order to gain power-ups and character...

  • Carbonated News (May 2004)

    ...as confusing. Oh well, at least now they’re trying to number their games. – In addition to the above announcement, Nintendo has leaked to the public a list of games...

  • Manic Miner (ZXS)

    ...determined subterranean dweller. But Miner Willy is no ordinary miner. Miner Willy is a MANIC Miner. Miner Willy’s mission is to retrieve a varying number of objects from twenty single-screen...

  • Jim Henson’s Muppet Adventure: Chaos at the Carnival (NES)

    ...long the level takes. This level is just absurdly long, and you’ll die an absurd number of times because there’s enemies all over the place and it’d be impossible to...

  • Your Top 10 Favorite Games: Travis Combs

    ...Tactics Advance, etc.), to me this one was the granddaddy of them all. You were battling for control of the moon, and you had all the usual suspects for weapons:...

  • Your Top 10 Favorite Games: Matt Wright

    ...my number 1 game! I absolutely loved this game. I remember people complained that it was too easy as they provided a tips mini-booklet with the game, but did anyone...

  • Carbonated News (September 2004)

    ...got a good feeling about this one. – For all you wrestling fans out there (by the look of last month’s poll you number in the few, as our wrestling-related...

  • Ristar (SG)

    ...game you can clearly see Ristar express a number of different facial expressions, depending on the situation. Many people may not wish to play this game because the graphics may...