Archive for Tag: atmosphere
Depression Quest (Browser)
Reviews by Robyn Tyrfing on
Playing the game may give you a greater understanding of yourself, or a person you know or love.
Memory Cards: Xenogears
Columns by Alex Jedraszczak on
Living the dream of 1998 in 2000.
[NSFW] Deadly Premonition (X360)
Reviews by Travis Combs on
I'd give anything to un-play this game, just to play it again for the first time.
Indigo Prophecy (PS2)
Reviews by Casey Levine on
Indigo Prophecy is a game for people who value story above all else.
Silent Hill (PS1)
Reviews by Richo Rosai on
One thing I did not expect to do was to become freaked out enough to turn off my console and leave my house.
Doom 64 (N64)
Reviews by Richo Rosai on
So at the end of the day, is Doom 64 really Doom, or is it just a knock-off that tries but doesn't live up to its predecessor?
Doom 3 (MXB)
Reviews by Richo Rosai on
Doom 3 is an ultra-sexy diversion with enough substance to fill the id-naysayers' mouths.
[NSFW] Resident Evil 4 (GCN)
Reviews by Travis Combs on
Tell me you're some PS2 or Xbox fanboy who won't play the game because it's on a kiddy system. Tell me. I dare you.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (GBA)
Reviews by Ted Gleason on
If you are fond of previous Castlevania games, this should be right up your alley.