Archive for Tag: Donkey Kong
GC Podcast #174: The Canonical Mario Timeline
Podcasts by Joseph Martin on
It's-a Mario Timeline!
In Defense of “Dumbed Down” Games
Blog Posts by Dan Conlin on
Some claim that games nowadays are more simplified than they used to be, but is that really the worst idea?
A Retrospective into the Videogame Sequels of Old
Blog Posts by Daniel Castro on
Videogames have grown as a form of media, which also means taking on some of the negative aspects of mainstream popular culture—like uninspired sequels.
Donkey Kong Land III (GB)
Fan Submissions by Meowskivich on
The third and final entry in Meowskivich's Donkey Kong ExstravaLandsa. Or, IS it?!
Donkey Kong Land 2 (3DS-VC)
Fan Submissions by Meowskivich on
The second chapter in the continuing Meowskivich Donkey Kong Land saga.
Donkey Kong Land (3DS-VC)
Fan Submissions by Meowskivich on
A game from a beloved franchise that may not have aged so well.
Super Smash Speculation!
Blog Posts by Mark Freedman on
What new characters do you think will be in Smash Bros. Brawl?
Be Careful What You Search For #68
Comics by Terrence Atkins on
Warning! There's a topless Nintendo inside! Do not read around the little Game Boys.
Your Top 10 Favorite Games: Terrence Atkins
Columns by Terrence Atkins on
GameCola fans and writers describe their favorite (and sometimes least favorite) games of all time.
Plastic Surgeon Gives Donkey Kong High Score a Facelift
News Posts by Nathaniel Hoover on
It seems all videogame doctors have a grand agenda: Dr. Neo Cortex wants to take over the world using mutated animals; Dr. Robotnik wants to take over the world using animals as robots; Dr. Wily wants