• Christmas: UNLEASHED

    The lights have been taken down, and stored in a cardboard box in the dank, musty basement, not to be seen again for another eleven months.  The tree, now brown with death, is in the backyard, with a

  • Sword of Mana (GBA)

    Sword of Mana is, in fact, not a sequel at all. It's not really even a completely new game.

  • … of the Month: Irata’s Quest: Doomed Isle

    A little while back, I was informed by my good buddy Paul that the ruler of Mean Hamster Software was having troubles coming up with the storyline to a video game he wanted to create, entitled Irata's Quest: Doomed Isle. Paul immediately went to the first person that came to mind to tell him the news, and after that person shot him down, he came to me. I got myself in touch with Mean Hamster's fearless leader, and before you knew it I had become the Robin to his Batman. We've been working out the basics of creating the game (in other words, he has been explaining how making a game for the Atari 5200 works) and sooner or later we will have ourselves an actual game. At this moment in time the game is going to be something like Legend of Zelda, only with an emphasis on puzzle solving rather than monster defeating. There will be multiple characters for the player to control in order to get passed various types of puzzles, as well. As more details are created by myself and the Overlords of the Mean Hamster, there very well may be an update or two in GC in the future; but for now, this tiny amount of information will have to be settled for.

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    The Gates of Life: Episode 8 – Always Follow Your Lizard

    Apul: North is as good a direction as any. At least it'll take us closer to the straight between here and the Red Isle. If we are really lucky, maybe we'll meet on of those mineral hunters you were talking about, Barin.

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    Birth of a New Forum

    The following is The g50's account of the events which, directly or indirectly, led to the creations of the Chrono Trigger social board at gamefaqs.com. It all began years ago when a young lad by the

  • Super Adventure Island (SNES)

    As with most wannabes, it just doesn't live up to what it was imitating.

  • Iggy’s Reckin’ Balls (N64)

    Keep your pants on this time and get ready for some serious ball-breaking action!

  • … of the Month: GameCola Stationary

    Yeah yeah, that's right! Your faaavorite webazine has its own stationary! In a perfect world, anyway. In this godforsaken hell-hole filled with NO GAMECOLA PAPER WHAT-SO-EVER, unfortunately, we do not. But it is something that is becoming increasingly necessary, and you must admit it would be awesome. Some of the various products we could have include: post-it notes (great for reminding the GameCola staff minus Paul to actually be on time for each issue), paper (with the GC logo in the upper corner, available in a variety of colors), postcards, swimsuit calendars, greeting cards, folders, notebooks, planners, posters, etc. You name it, and if its made out of paper (or anything else really, it doesn't matter), we will put our label on it! Now, as to whether or not this idea will ever take effect.. I really don't know. If it does get off the ground, I imagine it will be in the form of Paul writing "GC" on the top of some generic yellow post-its, and writing some angry message like "GET YOUR DAMNED ASSIGNMENTS IN YOU BUFFOONS!" However it works out, it's still an amazing idea and definitely worthy of its spot in this "...of the Month: hall of amazingness.

  • InuYasha: A Feudal Fairy Tale (PS1)

    It's perfect for filling in those hour breaks between classes at college.

  • … of the Month: Pocky

    For those of you who have never heard of Pocky, they are tasty little biscuit sticks covered in a dry whipped cream (more like yogurt, not whipped cream) toping of various flavors, such as strawberry, chocolate, or coffee. Are any of you readers fans of nuts besides Paul? If so, you will be happy to know that some varieties of Pocky come with almonds made right into the toping! These delicious treats are as easy to eat as pretzel sticks, and they don't have any of that annoying salt falling off all over you while you sit on your lazy bum, making them the perfect snack for video gamers. Just think of the possibilities... you are sitting in your sweatpants on the couch playing video games waiting for your date to show up for a romantic evening. He/She comes in, sees you sitting there, and all he/she can say is, "Oh my goodness! You have no crumbs on you at all! You are totally not the video game playing slob I thought you would be! I love you! Please make love to me all night long!!" Do you think any other snack could possibly have this effect? Could your precious sour cream and onion potato chips do this? Definately not. If you find yourself getting hungry and want to snack on something, do everyone a favor and get yourself some Pocky.