Archive for Tag: Minesweeper
[NSFW] Do All Games Need Story?
Blog Posts by Anna Bryniarski on
Anna shares opinions on story in games, because everyone wants to hear that!
Zombie Minesweeper: A Love Story (iPhone)
Reviews by Michael Gray on
Zombie Minesweeper: A Love Story is a game about a minefield, a girl, and the zombie she loves. No, wait, that's the game I pictured in my head when I first read the title. This game is about a girl w
Everything Has Zombies Now
News Posts by Paul Franzen on
Witness: a trailer for the newly released iOS game Zombie Minesweeper. Yes, ZOMBIE MINESWEEPER. Actually, make that Zombie Minesweeper: A Love Story. “Love Story”? Hope that doesn’t have anything to do with the little girl lead heroine, you creepers. Zombie Minesweeper came out today, and it’s currently on sale for 99 cents in the App … Continue reading "Everything Has Zombies Now"
Your Top 10 Favorite Games: Lisa Harrison
Fan Submissions by GameCola on
Lisa Harrison's top 10 most addictive puzzle games of all time.