Archive for Tag: Mother 3
The 2016 GameCola Videogame Awards (Part 2)
Columns by Alex Jedraszczak on
If you're familiar with GameCola, you already know what 2016's big winner is.
Q&AmeCola: NES Games Remastered
Columns by Matt Jonas and GameCola Staff on
Remakes of classic games are hot these days. What NES games would YOU like to see remade with modern technology?
GC Podcast #10: The Big E3 Preview
Podcasts by Michael Gray on
It's the tenth episode of the GameCola Podcast! Our E3 Spectacular!
Mother 3 Fan Translation Released!
News Posts by Michael Ridgaway on
It's like Christmas, Chanukah, St. Patty's Day, Thanksgiving, the 4th of July, and my birthday all rolled into one package! Over the weekend, the fan translation for Mother 3, or EarthBound 2, was rel