Archive for Tag: Tribes: Aerial Assault
Dear Readers: Goozex
Columns by Paul Franzen on
So I found myself wondering the other day why, exactly, I owned a copy of Tribes: Aerial Assault for PlayStation 2. I couldn’t come up with a reasonable justification. The only one that came to mind was that I must’ve bought it so I’d have something to play on my at-the-time new and shiny PS2 network adaptor, but, if I did that...that’s sort of like buying a leash and being like “hey, I should totally get a dog to go with this.” And, to unnecessarily build upon that, it’s sort of like that dog had terrible gameplay.
Captain Eric’s Super Thumb Feature Presentation
Columns by Eric Regan on
WELCOME! to the newest and GRANDEST edition of Super Thumbs to be seen by human eyes...ever! In this edition I will bring some FPS ACTION to your ever-loving attention! Now they probably aren't the ga