Archive for Tag: video walkthroughs
The Paul & Jeddy Show: 20th Anniversary Edition
Podcasts by Alex Jedraszczak on
It's GameCola's 20th anniversary! The current and former Jedditor-in-Chief got together to talk about the good times, the better times, and the not-so-good times.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Now on YouTube—Again!
Videos by Alex Jedraszczak on
Brand-new videos from 2013 of a game from 2001, localized in 2005, and re-released in 2010!
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective Playthrough
Videos by Michael Gray on
Watch us play one of the best games for the DS!
Back to the Future: The Game – Episode 5: The Video Walkthrough – The Post: Didn’t We Do This Already?
Videos by Paul Franzen on
Get ready for 1.21 gigaFUN!
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
Three GameCola staff members provide expert commentary on someone else's video walkthrough for a game they've never played.
How-To: Build Mod-Weapons in Dead Rising 2: Case Zero
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
Ever play Dead Rising 2: Case Zero? Ever wonder what happens when you throw nails, pitchforks, propane tanks, batteries, and beer together? Allow staff writer Matt Jonas to show you how to turn a hous
Installing Older Games on Vista
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
Quick! While it's still vaguely relevant! Check out Michael Gray's immensely helpful and not-actually-funny-at-all guide to installing old (I.e. fun) games on Windows Vista, which nobody uses anymore
The Best of Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water’s Edge
Videos by Michael Gray on
What is the best part of the newest Nancy Drew game? Find out here!
Inside the Guide: Video Walkthroughs for July, 2009
Columns by Michael Gray on
Michael Gray writes his final column for GameCola.