• Cheat Codes for Getting Out of Your Damn House

    ...I’ve combined my tepidly-popular Cheat Codes for Life column with my forgettable Get Out of Your Damn House column. This is my farewell article to GameCola. After this month, I...

  • Magicka’s New DLC is Set in Vietnam.

    ...to Vietnam. The world didn’t need to make sense anyway. I’M A COW I’M A COW I’M A MAGIC COW, I’M A COW I’M A MAGIC COW. Magicka: Vietnam will...

  • GC Podcast #111: Cool Game Genkie Codes

    ...“Podcast Commander” Martin, and Anna “Social Media Trash Queen” Bryniarski talk about how they tricked their way into being good at videogames! From cheating devices, to cheat codes, to game...

  • [NSFW] Versus Mode: Friend Codes, The Last Story, Region Coding, and More

    ...review of the original Final Fantasy. 1. Friend Codes need to GO AWAY. Nathaniel Hoover: This should be of no concern to anyone, because I don’t have any friends. Call...

  • Cheat Codes for Life

    ...to where to get started. What follows is my first edition of Cheat Codes that does not contain a single made-up letter. Enjoy. The only game I have on my...

  • Cheat Codes for Life

    ...count as one, if you talk about more than one game within the series. All of your letters will be in the next edition of Cheat Codes for Life. -Zack...

  • Cheat Codes for Life

    On the date of August 24th, 2005, I was caught with my pants down in front of a cop car that had been set on fire, while holding a book...

  • Captain Eric’s Cheat Codes for Life

    Captain Eric Regan offers GameCola readers advice on all their videogame-related life disasters. Dear Captain Eric, First of all, I just wanted to say how happy I am that you’re...

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    Cheat Codes for Life

    Julie Kozarsky, with her infinite knowledge of the universe, uses her wisdom and experience to reduce your gravest problems into silly inconveniences. So easy, so simple — it’s a cheat...

  • Cheat Codes for Life

    Julie Kozarsky, with her infinite knowledge of the universe, uses her wisdom and experience to reduce your gravest problems into silly inconveniences. So easy, so simple — it’s a cheat...