The Gates of Life: Episode 10 – Go Fusion Kitty!

Rivers: I actually hit them! I hit her and even that little cat!! I don't believe it!

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Chapter 10:
Go Fusion Kitty!

Rivers: I actually hit them! I hit her and even that little cat!! I don’t believe it!

Render: It’s about time you did something right. Now, let’s get out of here.

Captain Thomas “7-Eye” Render VI of Trelenodora and Rivers quickly fled the scene and left Najen and Barin reeling from the blast. Najen began to get up and started rubbing her head.

Najen: Ah… what the hell… where did…

But before she could finish the thought, she and Barin began to merge in the same manner as Tryn and the tree had done just a short time before. Meanwhile, Rivers and Captain Thomas “7-Eye” Render VI of Trelenodora continued to run through the forest and away from Najen and Barin.

Rivers: Did you see that?? I was amazing back there!

Render: Enough already. Hurry up, we’re gonna be late.

The two ran a few more yards before hearing a loud growl and slowing to a stop.

Rivers: What was that?!

Render: … damn.

Najen: Thought you could get away from us, did you? Well too bad! We have a lot of questions for you, and you aren’t taking another step until I get some answers!

Captain Thomas “7-Eye” Render VI of Trelenodora and Rivers slowly turned around to face Najen. They gasped in unison as they saw what she had become. Before them stood a creature that stood up on two legs like a human, but had the features (including a tail) and fur of a large cat. The strangest part of this new being was the second head it had, slightly smaller than the other, to the right of the first head.

Render: What the hell?? That’s the ugliest thing you’ve created so far, Rivers!

Rivers: Oh come on… it’s not that bad

Najen: Shut up, both of you!

Render: Don’t get yer… fur all in a twist there. I’ll answer your damned questions, just get on with it.

Najen: That’s more like it. Okay then, this doesn’t make any sense whatsoever!

Render: What do you mean?

Najen: This whole situation! How did you turn your friend into a tree? Why are Barin and I now a two-headed cat freak?? Why are we all of the sudden in a FOREST? We were on a barren 
rocky island before we went into that cave, and when we came out, we were running through the
forest?? Where did that tree that you fused with your friend even come from?? This all makes no 

Barin: Meow meow MEOW!!

Najen: Barin brings up a good point. Apul, you lived your entire life back on that island with Barin. How in the world did you suddenly become some sort of undercover traitor working for this fool??

Render: Hey! There’s no need for name callin’ here!

Najen: Shut up! It’s your fault this is happening! You are the reason nothing makes sense anymore, so stop whining and start explaining. And one more question before you get to it… what the hell happened to Dugo??

Render: Those are perfectly fair questions, my dear, and the answer is quite simple… what?? Tryn can walk??

Captain Thomas “7-Eye” Render VI of Trelenodora had a look of pure shock on his face as he pointed towards an area behind Najen/Barin. Najen/Barin, confused, turned to see what he was pointing at.

Najen: What are you talking about? There’s nothing there…

Najen/Barin turned back around to find Captain Thomas “7-Eye” Render VI of Trelenodora and Rivers already well on their way out of the area.

Rivers: That was brilliant! You sure got us out of one awkward situation there.

Render: What can I say? That’s part of my job. Now we better be quick if we don’t want her to catch up with us again.

Captain Thomas “7-Eye” Render VI of Trelenodora and Rivers ran as fast as they could, but soon they met an obstacle in the road. Dead center in the path ahead of them was a tree. It wasn’t a particularly large tree, but it presented a problem for the two.

Render: Damn! Which way to we go now??

Which Gate Do You Choose?


Rivers: Let’s go to the right!


Rivers: No, wait, let’s go left!


Random Passerby: It’s a tree… why the hell are they having problems deciding which way to go around it?

This poll ends on March 7.

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About the Contributor

From 2002 to 2013

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