A dating sim! That’s sort of a new one on me, but what the hell? It’s fun. This isn’t really along the same lines as Feel the Magic, since that game involves you playing many minigames in order to win the love of a single girl. In Sprung, you simply talk to people and do your best to hook up with members of the opposite sex. I’m sorry, but there is no gay loving to be found here.
There are several different people you can end up with, and while it does give you some room to do what you want, the game is still very linear. You are more or less locked into the role of a guy or girl in love with a particular guy or girl not of your choosing. This doesn’t make a lot of sense for a dating sim, in my opinion, but it’s still very fun to play.
Not really much to say about the music. It isn’t good, it isn’t bad—it exists. The controls, however, are perfect. How could they not be, really? All you have to do throughout the entire game is move the d-pad to highlight the response of your choosing and press A. Can’t get much simpler than that.
The visuals aren’t 3D-looking or anything, but that is part of the game’s appeal. This type of game definitely wouldn’t have worked as well if they tried to use Super Mario 64 DS-looking graphics. The 2D, Curse of Monkey Island-esque style of graphics is perfect for this game.
The replay value is greatly hurt by the fact that you don’t have much of a choice in who you date. Like I said, there is some room to do what you want, and there are a few branches in the storyline for you to explore, but beyond that there isn’t much reason to replay this game. After a few playthroughs, most people will be done with it.
Overall, this game is really fun to play, especially the first time through when you don’t know what is going to happen and you haven’t yet realized that you have little-to-no say in who you date and when you date them. The audio and controls didn’t factor in at all to how much fun I had—I didn’t really notice them at all. With all that being said, if you aren’t sure a dating simulation type of game is your thing, you’d be better of renting this than buying it.