The Gates of Life: Episode 22 – Liaunde! Also, Wait…Wait Yeah, There Were Others….

Barin: I'm so sick of you I could vomit. This is my story, and it's really about time I took it back.

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Chapter Twenty-Two:
Liaunde! Also, Wait…Wait Yeah, There Were Others….

Barin: I’m so sick of you I could vomit. This is my story, and it’s really about time I took it back.

Render: Oh come now, I am waaaaay more interesting. I brought trees and walls and fusion people with me!

Rivers: Yea!

Rivers: Yea!

Rivers: Yea!

Barin: I really do hate you, you know.

Render: Pfffft.

Jonathan: It seems to me it’s four on one here, I really don’t see how you are even going to put up a fight.

Barin: Oh, come on, you really don’t think I would have come here alone, do you?

Rivers: He’s got a point.

Enrique: Yea man, lame ass needs at least 500 people 25 levels over you before he’d start a fight.

Barin: Whatever. Get out here.

Liaunde: DON’T %#^$#% TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!!

Renders: Awww maaaaaaan. Why?!

Enrique: So lame.

Liaunde: SHUT UP!!

Barin: Heh heh heh… This is my most brilliant plan yet – I’ve brought the one person who can easily defeat any given one of you!!

Render: You know what? I don’t buy it.

Barin: What do you mean?

Render: No one can even stand her, save for her emo leash boy. And you know she can’t do anything against any of us. No, you didn’t bring her here because you thought she could help you defeat us.

Barin: What the hell are you talking about?!

Render: You’ve been hooking up with her.

Liaunde: YOU TOLD HIM!?!?!

Barin: What?! Did you hear me just tell him?? NO I didn’t tell him, but you sure as hell just did!

Liaunde: GRAA SHUT UP!!!!!

Jordan: What.

Jordan: The.

Jordan: Heck.

Rivers: Ooooooh you are in soooo much trouble now!

Liaunde: Honey! Ah ahh… I can explain!

Jordan: I can’t believe you!! I love you and this is what you do to me?!

Narrator Returned: Jordan bursts into tears.

Liaunde: I love you! He meant nothing to me I swear!

Jordan: Forget it! Just forget it! Waaah waaaahh I’m going to go write a song about heartbreak I HATE YOU ALL!!

Enrique: Haaaaa.

Render: Nice.

Enrique: Smoove.

Jonathan: Heh… That was pretty funny actually.

Liaunde: SHUT UP!! #%@$ %#%# ^#^$ %@$^%#$%#$ #$&^%%$^$#@% #^$%@^%$%

Barin: We have to focus on beating them! Get yourself together!!

Liaunde: Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

Narrator: And Liaunde proceeded to scratch Barin’s face off.

Rivers: Well, I’m about ready to go, how about you guys?

Render: Yea, I’ve about had enough. Let’s get back to the ship.

Jonathan: We still have a ship?

Render: I’m pretty sure, yea.

Rivers: Is it going to take 5 episodes to get to it?

Narrator: No. They walked some and then were at the ship.

Renders: Phew, that was a refreshing jog. Where to, gentlemen?

Which Gate Do You Choose?

Door #1

Jonathan: I think we should just put up the sails and go where the wind takes us


Rivers: You know, we haven’t eaten since… ever, really. Maybe we should actually chart a path and go to a civilized island for once. I’d enjoy a cheeseburger.


Enrique: I’ll drive if ya want.

Acid Reflux

Render: Vortex vortex vortex vortex vortex!

This poll ends on April 7.

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About the Contributor

From 2002 to 2013

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