So a few weeks ago, I went to a job fair, and who should be hiring but the video game developer Namco? I decided to stop by and see if my work at GameCola could help me wrangle a job. Unfortunately, the woman there didn’t seem to know anything about the company.
Woman: Hi! We’re Namco! We make video games like…um…Pac-Man, and…uh….
Me: Burgertime.
Woman: Yeah, and…Pac-Man! So, yeah, we’re like a really famous video game company!
Me: Yeah, I’ve heard of you guys. So, what projects has Namco been working on lately?
Woman: Well…um…uh….we just released Namco Museum, which contains all of our classic games like, uh, Pac-Man, and, uh….Mergertime, like you said, and uh…uh…
Me: ?
Woman: (sweating) Ummm….uhhhhhh….
Phoenix Wright: Objection! Your honor, this woman clearly has no idea what she’s talking about!
Me: She can think of a third game her company has produced! She just needs more time!
Woman: Ummm…uh…
Me: ……..
Woman: Uh…MRS. PAC-MAN!!!! Yay! I did it!
So as it turned out, I didn’t get to submit my resume to Namco, because they picked a random person off the street to be their Job Fair Representative. On a positive note, I did get a flyer with a creepy picture of the Japanese guy who owns Namco-Bandai. That what I like to call a win-win situation.