… of the Month: Paul Franzen in Soul Calibur

Two months ago, I told you that I would create a special bonus for whoever won my custom character competition. I had a surprisingly huge amount of responses to this article, and I had a really tough time picking the winner. In the end, though, it was our Editor in Chief himself, Mr. Paul M. Franzen, who won the gold.

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Paul Calibur IVThe Great Unveiling of the Month: Paul Franzen in Soul Calibur

Two months ago, I told you that I would create a special bonus for whoever won my custom character competition. I had a surprisingly huge amount of responses to this article, and I had a really tough time picking the winner. In the end, though, it was our Editor in Chief himself, Mr. Paul M. Franzen, who won the gold.

As the winner, Paul got a likeness of himself painstakingly crafted by me in Soulcalibur IV! Now, mere words cannot do this creation justice, so check out the video of this amazing character.

Awesome, I know. Sorry to all those who didn’t win, but do not fret! That’s right; I’m giving away yet another opportunity to earn an awesome bonus! This time, I want to see LittleBigPlanet creations. These can be levels, character costumes, or even pod decorations! I want to see, first of all, whether or not anyone reading this has LBP, and, second, what those LBP owners are creating.

So that’s it, folks! Show me what you’ve got, and earn an amazing bonus! Perhaps you can be the next person to be immortalized on YouTube as a Soulcalibur IV character. Unfortunately, I can’t give you Yoda’s move set. Sorry.

…If you know, POST!

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About the Contributor

From 2002 to 2013

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