… of the Month: Changing Passwords

This month, instead of my usual, ultra-hilarious rantings, I bring to you a special message. A message that I hope serves as a reminder to young and old alike of what can happen if you aren't careful with your PSN account.

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PS3 Warning of the YEAR: Changing Passwords

This month, instead of my usual, ultra-hilarious rantings, I bring to you a special message. A message that I hope serves as a reminder to young and old alike of what can happen if you aren’t careful with your PSN account.

No, this is not a “horror” story about how I gave my username and password away to some stranger and he changed my info and locked me out of my account because I’m too dumb to reset it myself. This is a story of being forgotten by your own save data.

Actually, it isn’t much of a story, really. It’s much more of a warning, like the title of this article suggests. Now that I’ve thoroughly introduced it, here it is:

If you change the password of your PSN account, much of your save data will no longer recognize you as the player who created it. When you start up certain games after changing your password, you will be greeted with an unfriendly “This save data was created by another user. You will not be able to save new data (and, in some cases, you won’t be able to load the old data at all), and you’ll need to go ahead and delete this data if you want to continue playing unimpeded.”

Nothing fixes this, despite “solutions” listed around the Internet, and the only options are to either delete the data like the game tells you to, or wait around for the PS3 people to come up with a patch. Sucky, I know.

I’ve heard that this glitch can also occur if you change the email address savefilesassociated with your account. I have not done extensive testing on this glitch, as I don’t want to continuously “corrupt” all of my data, but I think you might as well not take the risk. If possible, change as few account details as possible until you hear that there has been a patch.

To sum it up nicely for you: If you change your PSN password or other account info, your save files will think you’re a different person and stop letting you play them. Changing the info back also does not work.

Please, spread the word about this terrible affliction. There will be no cure unless people like you and me band together and demand one. Join me, friends. Together we can make a difference!

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About the Contributor

From 2002 to 2013

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