The views of Mid-Boss do not necessarily coincide with those of the GameCola staff.
The contents of Mid-Boss’ base of operations are largely classified—however, Mid-Boss is begrudgingly allowing you to learn that he owns a computer with an excellent Internet connection. Accordingly, Mid-Boss spends a lot of time investigating the various gaming forums—and he is frequently bemused by what he finds.
One ridiculous piece of behaviour (which, rest assured, is one among many) is the little gaggle of Xbox 360 gamers who refuse to pay 1200 Microsoft Points for certain Live Arcade titles on the basis that they should cost 800 or less. You’re educated sorts. You can already see the fatal flaws in this hypothesis. Even so, when Mid-Boss wants to inform, Mid-Boss will inform.
Let’s begin with a look at the titles in question. Most significantly, they include Braid and Castle Crashers, among others. The detractors of said games largely comprise the execrable, self-appointed “hardcore.” These are the people who will spend an extra twenty dollars on limited editions of games, or fork out the big bucks to acquire that elusive import GBA title. However, it seems that an extra $2 for an independent, relatively-small budgeted game from companies that actually need their money is a step too far. In Mid-Boss’ brilliant opinion, Castle Crashers is the most fun that can be had on the console and well worth ten of anyone’s dollars. However, on the basis that other games are available at a lower price, some ignorant people are missing out on it.
On a slight tangent, it’s certainly true that Castle Crashers is not without problems, mostly regarding the online side of things. Thankfully then it includes brilliant, riotous local multiplayer, an aspect of social gaming that current titles seem to be ignoring in favour of online play’s laggy, idiot-strewn, dick-slapping competition. Hey, Xbox Live players! Remember when you and your friends used to gather around your SNES and get your Super Bomberman on, playing ‘til midnight, laughing loud and long at the maniacal shenanigans? Oh, wait, of course you don’t. You’re all twelve years old.
Going back to Mid-Boss’ original point, nothing stops these people spending half a ton on new in-box games. Then, Mid-Boss asks, what legitimate reason do they have for not buying into triple-A quality titles like the aforementioned Braid and Castle Crashers!? It’s all bogus posturing and nothing more, another example of laughable faux-outrage, the glue that holds together the cynicism, forced bravado and sexual frustration that forms the average forum poster. Here’s a fun little memory for you; remember when Street Fighter II came out? It was seventy dollars. Everyone bought that. Now, in 2009, Castle Crashers costs one-seventh of its forebear, has significantly more features, gorgeous HD graphics…and people are saying it’s a rip-off?
Games have grown up, so why can’t gamers?
Until next time, Sodies–