Hello, everyone. Paul here, hosting and editing the latest edition of “The GameCola Podcast,” because…because…actually, I’m not sure how I got saddled with this. I think somebody must’ve died.
Anyway, we’ve got a great show lined up for you! GC newbie Matt Jonas, Nathaniel Hoover, Michael Gray, Elizabeth Medina-Gray, and myself all came together to talk about the recent PS3 price cut, licensed videogames, and the games we’re all playing right now. There are cookies, and there’s also a big twist: We all recorded our own podcast segments individually, instead of recording the podcast together on Skype. We did this because we wanted to allow people who aren’t normally able to join the podcast to participate—some people are in different time zones, some people don’t have hours of free time to talk about Mega Man, but everyone should have 20 minutes to spare at some point in their day, right?
Well, at least we got Matt Jonas to participate. Enjoy the podcast!