Super Mario Bros. 2 Playthrough

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There isn’t a person on the planet who hasn’t heard of Super Mario Bros. 2. After a quick YouTube search, it also seems that there isn’t a person on the planet who hasn’t done a video playthrough of Super Mario Bros. 2. Why, then, would Paul Franzen and Michael Gray choose to play through a game that everyone has already done?

Peer pressure, duh. Everybody’s doing it.


Aha, but not everyone keeps things fresh like a Ziplock® storage ba—erm…like Paul and Michael, who take turns playing each stage, responding to each other’s audio commentary in the process—almost as though they’re in the same room together! It’s the closest experience to hanging out with them in person that you’ll ever want to have.

While their digressions about old cartoon shows and their unique gameplay strategy of dying a lot are certainly interesting, it’s not until the end of World 4 that things start to heat up. This is humorously ironic, you see, because World 4 is an ice world, and…oh, forget it. Anyflurry, that’s when yours truly (Nathaniel Hoover) hijacks the playthrough and enters the rotation, proving that I should really stick to playing and talking about Mega Man games.


The final video is a real keeper, though, because all three of us take turns walloping Wart. Wart, in return, wallops all three of us, but we somehow manage to beat the game. We’re that good.

Don’t skip ahead to the final video just yet, though. Get a feel for this joint playthrough of Super Mario Bros. 2 by watching the first two videos below, one by Paul and one by Michael. If you like what you see, warp to the full SMB2 playlist on the GameCola YouTube channel! Or else we’ll feed you to Wart.

3 votes, average: 8.00 out of 103 votes, average: 8.00 out of 103 votes, average: 8.00 out of 103 votes, average: 8.00 out of 103 votes, average: 8.00 out of 103 votes, average: 8.00 out of 103 votes, average: 8.00 out of 103 votes, average: 8.00 out of 103 votes, average: 8.00 out of 103 votes, average: 8.00 out of 10 (You need to be a registered member to rate this post.)

About the Contributor

Since 2009

Nathaniel Hoover is almost certainly GameCola's most verbose staff member, and arguably the most eclectic. As administrator of the GameCola YouTube channel (GCDotNet), occasional contributor to every article category on the site, and staff editor, you're pretty much stuck with him wherever you go. Sorry.


  1. I love this set of videos. It is the best game cola has ever done and Nathaniel Hoover is in it. I really admire your style of play and review + your commentaries are very funny Nathaniel. I hope you guys will play super mario bros 3 some day

  2. Awesome–thanks, chillspike! I especially like the part where I’m in these videos. I’ll take all that credit and distribute it evenly, because part of the fun was that this was so collaborative.

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