GameCola’s Live PAX East Coverage!

That's right: GameCola contributors Mike Ridgaway and Christian Porter are LIVE right now at PAX East in Boston! Keep checking this post (or their Twitter feeds) over the next few days for live upda

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That’s right: GameCola contributors Mike Ridgaway and Christian Porter are LIVE right now at PAX East in Boston! Keep checking this post (or their Twitter feeds) over the next few days for live updates from the event.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Christian Porter (5:40 PM): LA Noire demo allayed some of my fears and 3ds gave my wife a migraine. Time to head home. So long til next year, Pax. #paxeast

Christian Porter (3:41 PM): Missed out on meeting Adam Sessler but I met a much bigger game journalist: Michael Ridgaway! Adam doesn’t like Earthbound enough anyway.

Christian Porter (3:32 PM): Portal 2, predictably looks excellent, funny and excellently funny. Waiting for a look at LA Noire. Hopefully isn’t GTA 1920s. #paxeast

Christian Porter (1:30 PM): Dragon age 2 is a 3 out of 5. SCOOPED! #paxeast

Christian Porter (1:15 PM): Just an Xplay q & a. Not much to report. Portal 2 demo soon.

 Christian Porter (12:15 PM): Oh, Xplay isn’t REALLY live. Time to scoop ’em. Mwahaha…

Christian Porter (12:01 PM): Waiting for a live taping of Xplay. Don’t watch it and just read this so you can pretend I reported the info first.#paxeast

Christian Porter (10:38 AM): Let’s do this:


Christian Porter (10:13 AM): Just got off the Orange Line after standing next to a guy who apparently left the house solely to buy rancid green onions.PAX soon. #paxeast

Christian Porter (9:00 AM): En route to PAX East. Taking the T in because I’d rather die than drive in Boston.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mike Ridgaway (1:35 PM): PAX EAST has been GC fliered LIKE A BAWSE #paxeast #mike

Mike Ridgaway (12:23 PM): PAX EAST shuttle service: not that great. Finally on my way back. #paxeast #mike

Mike Ridgaway (9:15 AM): OK, yesterday was a bit of a wash, soooooo tired. Still fun though, Ready for today! #paxeast #mike

Friday, March 11, 2011

Mike Ridgaway (12:32 PM): Chiptune party at PAX East Jamspace! I’ll be here alot, so stop by and say hi! #mike #paxeast

Mike Ridgaway (11:12 AM): Just met Gabe & Tycho backstage before opening cermonies! Gotta admit, I was a little starstruck.

Mike Ridgaway (11:10 AM): This is Mike, gamer husband at PAX East! I’ll be posting updates in lieu of Vangie.

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