On this very exciting installment of The GameCola Podcast, Jeddy, The Franz Man, Sea Port, The Green Machine, The Hoover Dam, and D-Dons tackle hard-hitting topics that other videogame humor websites are too afraid to cast pods about! Listen, as they just keep going on about stuff like:
- Listener comments!
- Videogames
- Episodic videogames
- China’s lack of videogames
- Cool nicknames
So, you know, if you’re into that kind of stuff, you might want to listen or something.
You may also notice that we read listener comments LIVE on the podcast. If you really need the attention, you can send us an e-mail or post a comment, and we’ll probably read it LIVE on the next podcast. Then, you can tell all of your friends to come listen to the podcast and hear us make fun of you! Vote 5.
Aw yeah, someone else has played Enchanted Arms besides me! Seriously, if you don’t have it you need to go out and get it now. I’ve tried to explain some parts of the story to some people, but no one believes me because it is literally that dumb.
I don’t want to ruin anything, but one of the plot twists in that game is quite possibly the most hilariously stupidly offensive things I’ve ever seen in a video game.
Are you talking about one near the end? Because the one I’m thinking of was so amazingly obvious that it was actually shocking to me that that’s what they went with.
GAH. I can’t ask any questions without spoiling it. I wasn’t commenting on how obvious it was or not though, if that helps any. It was hilariously offensive for another reason.