What better way to re-enact your favorite part of Apollo Justice than by drinking the actual beverage that caused the utter downfall of Phoenix Wright as a character—now with a giant picture of Phoenix himself on it!
They come in “Genius Red” (for Edgeworth, naturally) and “Heat White” for Phoenix, and they’re to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the series. It looks like you can buy the set for 4,725 yen (or about 60 ‘Murican dollars), and they appear to come bundled with a wine glass embossed with the image of the Blue Badger—nice touch.
Only available in Japan, of course, but that’s OK—it’s probably just grape juice, anyway.
Source: Court-Records.net
No way. That’s so funny! Very interesting marketing at Capcom, huh?
WHY DOES JAPAN GET ALL THE BEST STUFF?! What are fans like us? Chopped liver?!
Alas, there just aren’t enough Ace Attorney fans here! Which is perhaps why we’ll never see another AA game localized until the end of time.
*sniffle* Unfortunately, I agree.
OBJECTION! Unfortunatly Paul, that statment is false as of today. Some press at the Tokyo Game Show found (more likley snuck a peak) at a file at Capcom’s booth and saw it to be and English language press release for Professor Layton Vs. Ace Attorney! TAKE THAT! Don’t beleive me? Then head the heck over to court-records.net right now!
Bah! I saw that, and I DO NOT trust it! Not until someone from Capcom prods me personally and says “excuse me, fellow, but it’s true; we’ve decided not to crush your dreams after all, and the game’s coming out tomorrow.”
Actually now that I think about it, why would capcom have it? I mean, the game is being made by Level-5, shouldn’t they be the ones to have the file and make the announce ment? Maybe Capcom has it for copyrite issues?
Who knows? I personally am not purchasing a 3DS until it is a confirmed release…
@rizziman33: Actually, I think it’s supposed to be a collaboration between the two companies (in fact, IIRC, it’s being published by Capcom).
Two wines, one cup.