The GameCola Podcast is back! This is GameCola Podcast number 41! You know, that podcast where we talk about videogames… Like Phoenix Wright! Previous topics have included Phoenix Wright, Apollo Justice, Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright, which Phoenix Wright characters should totally go out, I think we talked about Mega Man once or twice, and also Phoenix Wright!
What’s this?! Paul! Say it isn’t so! Could it be that Paul Franzen, the man who named his own rabbit after Phoenix Wright, no longer wants to talk about his favorite game?! How could the world come to this? Let’s take a look at the topics of this podcast! Get ready for the matrix, because it’s BULLET TIME!
- Listener mail
- Listener mail about Phoenix Wright
- Paul totally flipping out about fans always asking about Phoenix Wright
- A game in which, every time you click on the wrong pixel, you lose
- 12 Followers/Meteo Xavier
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II had an awesome soundtrack
I know we’re going to lose most of our fans with this one, but here it is. GameCola Podcast, the 41st!
1) OBJECTION! Capcom never officially announced that Pw vs Pl won’t be localized! You have no right to say that!
2) A DS lite can be traded in at gamestop for a 3DS for a maximum price of $50. (depending on the condition)
Well, maybe not exactly, but last year they did announced that they don’t have any plans to release it stateside:
That was last year, fans here are going crazy for it, the staff at capcom would have to be a huge idiots not to release it here. Even if they are just unpayed interns. If they translate it and brush up the character models I can see major for capcom and level 5. Plus that’s the only article I’ve seen on the subject.
I’m just saying, as far as I know, they’ve never said they ARE bringing it here, and they HAVE said that they aren’t. I’ll be elated if they do, but I’m not expecting it to happen.
You guys are such downers.
I’m sorry! Just trying to be honest to our fanbase!
Considering that there is only 1 article saying that they MIGHT not bring it here, it was over a year ago and today we have a paper in English that describes the game hidden in capcom’s booth at TGS. This proves that they at least have been thinking about it and that they are talking with someone about it. What you should say is that you think it’s not coming, while you’re saying that it’s not coming period.
In my defense, I don’t think TGS had happened yet when we recorded, so the only news we had was Capcom saying last year that they weren’t planning to localize it.
That still doesn’t excuse what you are saying now!
Capcom hasn’t said anything different though! There was just some random, un-talked-about piece of paper at a games convention. Believe me, if/when they make an announcement, I’ll be the first to drop whatever I’m doing and post about it.
Ok ok, you win for now. Just be more clear in the future. 😉
Heh heh. Hey Paul. What if I told you that pretty much all the emails, comments, and iTunes comments that mention Phoenix Wright are from me? Cause…it’s true. 😀
Well, heck! Ask us about something else next time! (And Ace Attorney Investigations doesn’t count.)
Sorry, I have a fangirl love for Phoenix Wright, so I will ATTEMPT to. Zelda it is then!
Thanks for putting up with me, haha.
Well, I’ve done it: I listened to my very first podcast. And what did I discover? Over two thirds of the podcast was answering emails and comments. That’s just wasteful (especially considering the relatively low level of comments). Need more content!
AND for whatever reason, I completely missed the part where you DO mention the Gamera Obscura article on “X The Ball”, even though it’s in the list.
Jeff, sounds like you need to be on the podcast someday and set everyone straight. We’re supposed to come up with 2-3 discussion topics ahead of time, but everyone usually forgets about that. So we go through the listener emails in hopes that it will help us think up a good topic.
We mention you in 19:22 of the Mike & Jeddy Pt. 2 podcast. The conversation starts around 18:55, when we discuss Retro Games Challenge for the DS, and we realize we have no idea what it is.
@Jeff: I don’t know; I feel like answering e-mails totally counts as content. After all, we’re talking about the things our listeners want us to talk about! What more could people ask for?
I think originally, the question-and-answer section morphed from “you send us topics, and we’ll talk about them!”…which we did so we wouldn’t have to come up with topics ourselves. It’s very circular.
about the birthday for online stuff i once put in 1901 and it said i was too old to play the game
Haha, yes! So I guess you can’t ALWAYS get away with it!
So, I was just listening to this podcast again. The email from Jessica is from my cousin, and I found it funny that you told her to wait for the game (Phoenix Wright vs. Professor Layton) and in the meantime, learn Japanese. That’s exactly what she’s doing. No joke. I’m going to call her right now and tell her, she probably won’t even remember this podcast.
Yes! …Does that mean she can translate the game for us when it comes out?
Uh… She’s only learned a few words so far… and she keeps getting them mixed up. So maybe…