GameCola 10th Anniversary Blowout Extravaganza Collaboration Celebration

Michael Gray celebrates ten years of GameCola. ...Alone.

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Coca-GameColaHooray! It may be a few days early, but today we’re celebrating GameCola’s tenth anniversary with a collaborative video blowout extravaganza, in which every single member of the staff left poor Michael Gray to be the only person to actually contribute anything to the video.

So…Michael Gray celebrates ten years of GameCola.

Y’know, in previous years we used to call this a birthday, not an anniversary. You can’t do an anniversary blowout—that’s what happens when your spouse fails to recognize that watching football instead of making romantic dinner plans is an expression of your love for her. Or him. Certainly not speaking from experience here.

Next year I’m demanding a proper birthday blowout. Make it happen, people. Cats on skateboards and carrots dangling in midair aren’t that hard to pull off.

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About the Contributor

Since 2009

Nathaniel Hoover is almost certainly GameCola's most verbose staff member, and arguably the most eclectic. As administrator of the GameCola YouTube channel (GCDotNet), occasional contributor to every article category on the site, and staff editor, you're pretty much stuck with him wherever you go. Sorry.


    1. Ha! Maybe we can get a guy to dress up in a bunny costume and everyone can take turns taking shots at him. 😉

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