GC Podcast #49: It’s Pronounced “Crystalis”

OK, OK, April Fools' Day is over. Now for the real podcast! Actually, the last podcast could probably be considered an Off-Topic Podcast, as it was entirely created out of content cut from existing po

With content involving Tags , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

enddayOK, OK, April Fools’ Day is over. Now for the real podcast! Actually, the last podcast could probably be considered an Off-Topic Podcast, as it was entirely created out of content cut from existing podcasts. Or, maybe I should stop being lazy and throw together another off-topic podcast out of the content I’ve been keeping around. Maybe? Maybe.


Anyway! It’s time for podcast #49, starring Alex Jedraszczak, Michael Gray, and Nathaniel Hoover. This podcast was in no way hurried or thrown together at the last moment, and as such, a number of topics were discussed at length. Many thanks to Nathaniel for coming up with these. Pods that were cast in this episode are delineated in the following bullet list:

  • 101010: The 10th Anniversary Podtacular!
  • How has your taste in videogames changed over the years?
  • It’s definitely pronounced “Crystalis”
  • Also, it’s actually pronounced “Faxanadu”
  • We’re totally going to make Beard Master: Legend of the Seven Beards
  • How has your level of interest in gaming changed over the years?
  • The GameCola Decade-End Awards is totally going to be a thing
  • Is it cool for adults to play videogames, or are games just for kids?
  • Unicorns
  • Games that didn’t live up to expectations
  • Bosses that frustrated you

Wow, look at all those bullet points! Did we talk about more, or did I just write down more than usual? You’ll have to find out yourself by listening to the podcast below!

5 votes, average: 7.20 out of 105 votes, average: 7.20 out of 105 votes, average: 7.20 out of 105 votes, average: 7.20 out of 105 votes, average: 7.20 out of 105 votes, average: 7.20 out of 105 votes, average: 7.20 out of 105 votes, average: 7.20 out of 105 votes, average: 7.20 out of 105 votes, average: 7.20 out of 10 (You need to be a registered member to rate this post.)

About the Contributor

Since 2007

Alex "Jeddy" Jedraszczak is presiding Editor-in-Chief at GameCola, not only editing content but often writing it as well. On top of all this GameCola work, he also develops indie games.


  1. Three things:


    2) I hope someone’s keeping track of all these Beard Master: Legend of the 7 Beards ideas, because this is definitely happening.

    3) A question for the next podcast: Can unicorns fly?

    1. The totally awesome seagull from Zelda: Wind Waker can fly, but alas, unicorns cannot. I’m told that this is because there is a clear distinction between unicorns and pegasi.

  2. 10 hour podcast!? Power hour?! Count me in!!!
    Actually still in the middle of the podcast, but I just had to throw that out there. Also, I was intrigued by the “How has your taste in videogames changed?” question, so I’ll answer for myself.
    I have fond memories of when I was little, waking up before everyone else and sneaking down to my dad’s office in our house and playing PC games on the computer…you know, the kind that isn’t a laptop. I played everything, from Backyard Baseball to classic Harry Potter games to Nancy Drew… But when we moved the computer crashed and my dad threw them all away. It’s sad, I feel like I lost an invaluable part of my childhood.
    Now, of course, I play things like Okami, Professor Layton, and Legend of Zelda and (as you all should know by now) I am also a die-hard Phoenix Wright fan. Still, if I could save those Harry Potter games, I would in a heartbeat. My favorite memory: fighting that giant spider in the second game and being too afraid to look at the screen, so resorting to random clicking of mouse buttons with occasional peeks to check my aim.
    Ok, enough rambling. Thanks for the podcast, what a way to kick off spring break! 🙂 Happy belated April Fool’s!

    1. !!! Ha! I used to play all those Harry Potter games too! But I stopped when Goblet of fire came out, and gave them to my neighbor who is a die-hard Harry Potter fan.

      1. Yeah, Goblet of Fire was the only one that I never beat… I liked Order of the Phoenix though. You should pick that one up if you get a chance, that was the last one I played.

        1. I got the DS version of Order of the Phoenix and beat it in less than a week, so I don’t really like to count that one because the others were challenging and took a long time to beat. OOTP was boring and easy. That’s why I stick with the books.

          1. Never played the DS version, only PC and it wasn’t too easy… there were a lot of side quests that made it fun.
            Of course the books are better. 🙂

    1. No, no, no! My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic clearly says that unicorns are one species, while pegasi are another. There doesn’t seem to be any cross-breeding between the two species.

      However, it’s possible for unicorns to use their magic powers to temporarily give themselves wings. It’s a complicated spell, though, so they don’t perform it often.

          1. …OBJECTION! It doesn’t technically say that unicorns can’t fly…just that pegassi CAN! Those two things are NOT mutually exclusive!

          2. Haha, rizziman, don’t be mean! 🙂
            Paul, did it say unicorns CAN fly? I believe we can make innocent until proven guilty apply here. In my mind, unicorns cannot fly until I see some solid evidence. And not another one of those pictures, Paul.

    1. Oh great, we’re on the weird side of YouTube again.

      *thinks for a moment*

      It is a well known fact to (most) people everywhere, that anything that is stated on the weird side of YouTube is widely considered to be false due to its weirdness.
      If Paul is willing to try and pass off a 1.5 second animation, (that I can easily make in PowerPoint) found on the weird side of YouTube as decisive evidence, then he must have no further evidence to try and prove his claim and thus we we have ni choice but to be in favor of Michael’s argument of Unicorns NOT being able to fly. That is all. This court is adjourned. *gavel*

    2. And don’t even think about using the L+R+Select+Start trick on this case Paul. The outcome will always turnabout to be the same. 😉

        1. Funny you should mention that, Paul. They’ve got a two-part Royal Wedding episode being released this month!

          The episodes seems to involve fighting an evil clone army, but I presume at one point, the unicorns will fall in love and get married.

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