It looks like we’ll be seeing a third game in the Army of Two franchise next year, on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The new Army of Two title is going to be set in Mexico, because they’ve already done Chinese stereotypes and are moving up the next rung on the ladder.
Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel has a shockingly similar name to Call of Juarez: The Cartel, which I needn’t remind you was a horribly vapid and racist game that awarded you an Achievement for dropping every person at a party with yer guns (and everyone at the party ain’t white, nor guilty). Sufficed to say, The Devil’s Cartel has already left a bad taste in my mouth without even saying or doing or showing anything off yet.
This game isn’t being developed by EA Montreal, unlike the first two. Instead, Visceral Games of Dead Space fame has been working on this one. The inner-workings will be completely different (bye-bye Unreal Engine 3) and the mood of the game will likely be changed. This may be the one Army of Two game to actually stand out from the others, but I hasten to add that this game is coming from the studio who said Dead Space 3 needs co-op because it is too scary.
I would have more faith in this title, but we don’t even get to play as Tyson Rios or Elliot Salem this time. Straight to the bargain bin, I suspect.
[via GameTrailers]