Paul and Lizo’s Big Announcement

A new addition to the GameCola family...

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Big news, GameCola Faithful! Remember Lizo? Remember that time she had that column? Remember that time she married Paul Franzen? You remember Paul, don’t you? You know, the guy who ran the site for like eleven years! Well, now that they’ve been married for a while, they decided it was time to create something beautiful. Something that would bring joy to those around them. A new and wonderful addition to the GameCola family.


They’re making a videogame.

You may remember The Beard in the Mirror as Testgame.exe, but the game has grown beyond its humble beginnings! It’s a real, honest-to-goodness, full-fledged game, now—complete with a spot on Steam Greenlight! If you vote for them, the game will be available on Steam! How cool is that? Also, if you happen to be in the Boston area on the 13th, 14th, and/or 15th, Team Beard will have a booth at Boston Festival of Indie Games where you can try the game and show your support in person!

11 votes, average: 8.55 out of 1011 votes, average: 8.55 out of 1011 votes, average: 8.55 out of 1011 votes, average: 8.55 out of 1011 votes, average: 8.55 out of 1011 votes, average: 8.55 out of 1011 votes, average: 8.55 out of 1011 votes, average: 8.55 out of 1011 votes, average: 8.55 out of 1011 votes, average: 8.55 out of 10 (You need to be a registered member to rate this post.)

About the Contributor

Since 2007

Alex "Jeddy" Jedraszczak is presiding Editor-in-Chief at GameCola, not only editing content but often writing it as well. On top of all this GameCola work, he also develops indie games.


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