So how do I even start this post? Maybe start by explaining what this snarpalarp is about. “My Little Game Review” is a series I hope to keep actively running amok on the GameCola website. In its simplest form, I take a game and review it. Simple enough, right? Maybe we should add stipulations or something. Or, perhaps add pics of Rainbow Dash on the videos just to make them 20% cooler (props to Michael Gray for reminding me of My Little Pony, thus giving me inspiration for the series name). Maybe you should delve into this review of Pocky & Rocky and see what we should do. Either way, grab your nearest snack, popcorn, and Pinkie Pie plushie, and enjoy my little game review.
Note to viewers:
If you have any suggestions for non-mainstream games you want me to review, please slap it in the comments below. However, please refrain from slapping too hard since slapping can be deemed as an act of violence or assault in some countries. Remember, the views and opinions posted in this sentence are not the thoughts of GameCola, its Ws, dots, or NETs.