What happens when Anna Bryniarski, Diana Gray, Michael Gray (no relation), Nathaniel Hoover, Shannon Hoover (no unrelation), Joseph Martin, and Ryan Mather gather together for an evening of wholesome family entertainment? Michael gets murdered by bandits and Joe dies of cholera. Enjoy some quality time with some of the oldest, newest, and in-betweenest members of the GameCola family as they get tossed out of a bar, try to seduce a centaur, are chased through a forest by sea creatures, and break several limbs before dying of a snakebite. Just like a real family!
Following in the footsteps of our first Family Game Night, our bonding time is as chaotic and ridiculous as you’d expect from people shouting over each other like they have any idea what to do. Our evening begins with the EGA version of Quest for Glory I: So You Want to Be a Hero, the classic RPG/adventure game hybrid that made a large vocabulary and adequate typing skills the new prerequisites for saving a kingdom from monsters.
We eventually realize we’re not cut out for saving a kingdom from monsters, so we leave Spielburg to fend for itself and make tracks for a place where you can sleep for nine straight days and not once get eaten. Our evening concludes with a few rounds of the original chronic dysentery simulator, The Oregon Trail.
Check out our playlist on YouTube for more Family Game Night antics, and feel free to name your next child “Manicure” make game suggestions for our next one!
I recommend for the GCFGN: The Wizard’s Pen. It’s a puzzle game, where you try to figure out what an object is by revealing the picture, piece by piece.
It seems like a good game to play with friends cooperatively. (And I have it, so I know about it.)
Oooh, this one looks like it would be GREAT for a family game night!
Quintet: https://www.quintet.us
It’s a cross-platform multiplayer co-op sic-fi game. It seems fun.