Remember that time that I told you that I went to DisneyQuest because they were closing, and then that other time when I told you that DisneyQuest wasn’t actually closing?
Well, guess what.
According to the latest news, DisneyQuest is back on the chopping block and set to relaunch as “The NBA Experience” in July. I guess we need to try harder the next time we want to save a haven of videogaming from the dreaded enemy of gamers everywhere: SPORTS.
Artist’s Conception of Disney’s The NBA Experience
What’s happening to us as a generation that we’re letting a good old-fashioned American pass-time like videogames take a back seat to sports? I just hope that while the kids are having fun “playing” basketball in their fancy new “experience” that they remember the ash and dust on which they’ve chosen to lay the foundation of their conceit.
The nerds of yore must be rolling in their graves at this arrogant display. The hubris of a nation that so easily destroys what its own citizens fought so hard to build. I remember a time when the local arcade was the place for kids to hang out, and now not even Disney—that quintessential all-American company—can keep this piece of history alive.
Will videogames be able to make a comeback? Or is THIS the new face of “gaming” in America?