It’s a match to the death! Or more realistically, it’s Joseph Martin, Anna Bryniarski, and Diana Gray riled up and ready to shout at each other about questions that you sent in! From zombies to actual factual videogames, you’re in for a host of great topics including:
- When is 101010 being finished?
- What do we hope to get out of GameCola?
- Which videogame characters would we want with us in a zombie apocalypse?
- What are our favorite games?
- What makes or breaks a game for you?
- Which games should be made into TV shows?
- What are our favorite consoles?
- What videogames have we been playing in recent times?
And a lot more, so jump into the ring and have a go at this lovely podcast. And remember, if you like what you hear be sure to check us out on our various other locations such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Twitch, and iTunes. You can ask us questions there or at our podcast email, podcast[at]gamecola[dot]net!
[Podcast intro/outro “Five is Average” by Meteo Xaivier]
I win, obviously. Was this even a question?