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    Forums, RSS and Rating Problems

    ...difficulties with these upgrades that have effected the following services in some way: Comments may take some time to load on each page. Additionally, the number of comments on a...

  • Mega Man 3 (NES)

    ...turtles just to finally satisfy a sexual craving that started in preschool will have to wait another 15 years. Luckily, I’m the kind of man who always has a silver...

  • Final Fantasy I (GBA)

    ...was completely lost, wandering around the world and fighting random encounters for so long that I’d achieved TWICE the number of levels that I’d ever need for anything in the...

  • Zombies Ate My Neighbors (SNES)

    ...prayer? A self-contained phonetic enigma in which the question IS the answer and the answer is a question? What IS Zombies Ate My Neighbors? Well, we’ve known for 14 years...

  • Submissions (September 2007)

    ...Well, that was informative. – Gina Matt: Thanks! 🙂 Captain Eric’s Psychic Thumb Feature Presentation I always had a strange need to eat Jenga blocks…even if I only snuck in...

  • The Gates of Life: Episode 52 – Beautiful!

    Choose your own adventure in this RPG-esque adventure that lets you—the reader—vote on its outcome. When we last left our heroes, Render had gone flying off a cliff. Meanwhile, the...

  • Source Nintendo (December 2008)

    ...with a good amount of excellent titles. The problem for any budget shopper, of course, is which ones to buy, exactly. Both systems saw a number of good titles released...

  • Inside the Guide: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

    ...things more interesting. I always like guides with jokes better than guides with straightforward instructions like “Turn left. Go forward. Go down the second pipe.” Boring! Anyway, dang! Writing this...

  • Snowboard Kids (N64)

    ...superior console, and I’dalways win. And I would always win because of one simple fact. Snowboard Kids on the Nintendo 64. Actually, it was all the beautiful gems that Rare...

  • Rayman (PS1)

    ...sense does that make, Paul? Whatever. Anyways, say what you will about the beaver, but the fact is at one point he had a SERIOUS piece of work with his...