• Silent Hill (PS1)

    ...character)’s pocket light is also one of the neatest uses of light-sourcing I have ever seen. I wasn’t as impressed with anything similar until Code: Veronica. The characters’ lack of...

  • [NSFW] Mario Kart Wii (Wii)

    ...And get pwned by a stupid kid Who’s probably only nine. Now if you want to play a friend You will need to have their code And beating them is...

  • Cheat Codes for Life

    ...code for your life. Dear Julie, I think a movie based on the Soul Calibur series should be made, and that I should be cast into the role of Cervantes,...

  • The GameCola Interview: Chris Morris

    ...said, a lot of that you can learn just by talking with developers. Now, I will never know how to code a game. I’m fine with that; it’s probably a...

  • Cheat Codes for Life

    ...code for your life. Dear Julie, I was dating this non-gaming girl for a pretty long time (I know, blasphemous right?). One day, as an attempt to get her into...

  • Default Thumbnail

    Cheat Codes for Life

    ...code for your life. Dear Julie, I want to have video games in my room, but my mom won’t let me. She keeps giving me this old excuse about how...

  • Carbonated News (February 2004)

    ...okay, not the actual Virtual Boy, but a new system that could easily take the same path as that failed system if Nintendo screws this one up. Code named the...

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    The Gates of Life: Episode 6, Part 1 – Barin’s Nightmares

    ...be an assassin, but I do live by a code of honor. You have helped me thus far, and so I can guarantee your safety… from my blade, at least....

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    Advice for the Sensitive Gamer #2

    ...hell, she ran around shelling out dress-code violations like the world was going to end or something… Jeebus. Oops… right. Snake. That teacher that you punched in the chest, the...

  • Submissions (May 2003)

    ...or wandered to the back of the mag just to get the invincibility code for twisted metal. keep up the good work! homogenized pork fat —– GameCola: I’d like to...