• Ice Climber (NES)

    ...bonus levels. Collecting eggplants and clubbing small fuzzy things seemed like second nature after a few hours, but if this game were released today, would I still give it the...

  • Your Top 10 Favorite Games: David Crislip

    ...the bonus VS mode. Although 3 had even more moves, along with branching paths, weapon specific specials, and cool demo scenes, the washed out color pallet, unorthodox storyline, and headache...

  • WarioWare: Mega Micro Reviews

    ...hilariously fast that you can’t keep up without robotic precision. There are also a handful of bonuses to unlock; their number and variety increasing from game to game. More on...

  • Super Magnetic Neo (DC)

    ...in the bonus levels, but otherwise they should come as second nature. Overall, if you manage to find this “attractive” (yeah, I suck) game on eBay or buried under 400...

  • Dragon Quest VIII (PS2)

    ...game’s end sort of took me by surprise. I almost wish the game was longer. There’s a little to do after the game ends, and there’s a super bonus ending...

  • Mario Party 7 (GCN)

    ...coins earned from winning minigames. The person with the most stars at the end of the game, generally speaking, wins, though you can set the game to award bonus stars...

  • testgame.exe: Making the Adventure

    ...hopes up. Also, narration stinks. I’m starting to grow an aversion to it. Yet it remains (for now). As an added bonus, you lucky readers you, due to popular demand,...

  • Dear Readers: The Greatest GameCola Writer of All Time

    ...characters, great battle system (no trying to run away 800 times before you are successful), no random encounters in dungeons, capsule monsters to feed and raise, two bonus game modes,...

  • Submissions

    ...Cheat Codes for Life I have to agree with you, Zack, about too much unlockable crap. Playing such games as Radiata Stories and Star Ocean 3 has me wondering who...

  • Stowaway Lizo’s Super Toes Feature Presentation

    ...and crossbones on the side (which apparently means SAFETY in bizarro sheep world?!). Along the way, there are bonus objects to pick up, more sheep to save, and of course,...