
Comments, e-mails, artwork and more from GameCola’s readers.

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Dear Readers,

This is the best choose-your-own-adventure ever.

– Sper


Good LORD that is a creepy picture!

– FReaKed Franklin

ok the voice of that vine already gave me nightmares why do you have to force pictures upon me that give me even more

– Eric

Seriously? The most frightening? I freakin’ OWN!

– Steve

Pucker up for the little vien paul!

– Father Time

Matthew F’s review of Athens 2004

I actully bought this piece of crap game

– Father Time

Hard as Charlie Sheen at cheerleading practice—bwa! That’s an awesome gag. I love it. 🙂

– Steve

Steve’s review of LostMagic

You know, I’ve always wondered: What sort of videogame DOES have graphics that are worth penning a letter to your folks about?

– Paul

Steve: Dear Mom, the graphics in Burnout 3 really kick ass. Love, Steve

Casey’s review of The Ship

Sounds neat

– Father Time

Be Careful What You Search For

What dancing!

– Father Time

The Gates of Life

fix the damn logo for this thing

– Eric

HahAH MOOooooo

– Father Time

Cheat Codes for Life

I have to agree with you, Zack, about too much unlockable crap. Playing such games as Radiata Stories and Star Ocean 3 has me wondering who told Tri-Ace it was a good idea to put more endgame content than pre-endgame content in their games.

– Anonymous Annie

I’d so prefer a New Game + to loads of bonus unlockable dungeons and crap after I beat a game. If I wanted to play through a 100-level tower chock full of random encounters I’d….HAH, yeah right, like I’d EVER want that.

– Paul

I love my Gamecube! I dont like Dvd’s anyway

– Father Time

Digital Championship Wrestling

This has to be in the next FF XI expansion.

– Steve

Like Sephiroth would really do that..

– Father Time

…of the Month

You know, what you’re saying is very much remindative of ToeJam & Earl III, in that the two main characters transformed, via leaping from Sega Genesis to Xbox, from geeks to thugs, dressed in wife-beaters and using the word ya’ll way more than anyone ever should. I think there could be a “thug” gene at work there.

– Paul

Mickey fought pretty much the same way at the end of the original KH for the few seconds you see him…and the black cloak was because he was supposed to be in hiding….I think…

– a person who wishes to remain anonymous

I thought this about Mega Man > Mega Man X. Transitioned to a darker environment with a darker plot. Not as good as examples that you used though.

– Mark F.

Sora is so not bad ass

– Father Time



– Neal Iannone

1 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 101 vote, average: 6.00 out of 10 (You need to be a registered member to rate this post.)

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