• Nintendo Announces New Pokémon Game

    ...it won’t be a new Pokémon Snap, or Pokémon Pinball, or Pokémon Ultimatum: Dance, Jigglypuff, Dance!—it’s going to be a new, honest-to-God, monster-catching/cockfighting Pokémon game, and it will probably have...

  • The Basics: Metal Slug

    ...it added enough new features and gimmicks to make it much more than just a “mission pack.” For a start, there was the introduction of two new female characters, Eri...

  • … of the Month: The NEW Gates of Life

    ...Life is COMPLETELY NEW this month! This is a whole new season—Season Two—and it requires 0% background knowledge of the story to follow. It also has a completely new art...

  • GC Podcast #170: Live from New York

    ...is in New York How do videogames use real locations? The evolution of New York City in Spider-Man videogames The Big Games of The Big Game Season Joe is finally...

  • The Vana’diel Diaries (December 2006)

    ...sans map to boot. Thankfully, my party included a THF who knew the area well and was willing to pull. My shiney brand new Serpentine Gun is hot. There was...

  • Dear Readers: Why People Make Bad Games

    ...should make a new GoldenEye, and unfortunately, they made a new GoldenEye. We said they should make a new Final Fight, and unfortunately, they made a new Final Fight. We...

  • Dear Readers: Pride

    ...worth. Mario Kart doesn’t come out with a new title every year, with virtually no changes aside from a few new characters and maybe a new track. Mario Kart makes...

  • Our New Xbox Experience

    A few days ago, Microsoft released the “New Xbox Experience.” This pretentiously-named new GUI for the 360 features a new layout, user-created games, connectivity with Netflix, and Miis. No, I’m...

  • The 2012 GameCola Videogame Awards (Part 2)

    ...your nostalgia bone. They could have stopped there, but no! The new starwarsified birds even have cool new abilities to combat new types of obstacles, including the force (of course),...

  • The 2005 GameCola Videogame Awards

    ...(PS2, MXB, GCN) Readers’ Choice: Lego Star Wars (PS2, MXB, GCN) Last Year’s Winner: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 – The Sith Lords Best New Character Wander...